Video Surveillance in the Workplace

The use of surveillance cameras has increased along with other digital technology. They are a common feature in most businesses and busy roadways. They have also become popular for personal use with products like dash cams and home security systems. As the digital world creeps into our privacy, the balance of management rights and the […]

August 20, 2020

Laying it All Out: Why Layoff Clauses Should be Included...

In times of financial uncertainty, employers seeking to cut costs may quickly turn to temporary layoffs. From the employer’s point of view, layoffs offer an opportunity to press “pause” on its obligations to employees in the short-term while still maintaining the employment relationship in the long-term. Failing to handle layoffs properly, however, may leave the […]

Can Employers Require Mandatory Unpaid Standby Duty?

The recent decision of the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC), Association of Justice Counsel v Canada (Attorney General), 2017 SCC 55, addressed the issue of whether a unionized employer can unilaterally introduce a policy requiring employees to provide unpaid standby duty. 

Union Decertification: Employers, Step Aside

Canadian labour legislation, such as the New Brunswick Industrial Relations Act, is designed to provide employees with the opportunity to establish, and protect, bargaining rights.

June 20, 2016

Labour Arbitration: When are Damages in Lieu of Reinstatement an...

In the context of a unionized work environment, it is generally the case that when an employee is found to be terminated without cause, the employee is ordered to be reinstated.