- Shalon Daley (She/her)
- Phone:(506) 633-2772
- Fax:(506) 632-8909
- Email:

Peter, after obtaining his M.B.A. and LLB in 1980, was admitted to the Nova Scotia Bar before beginning his career in private practice in Saint John, New Brunswick. While his practice initially focused on Corporate/Commercial law over time his practice evolved to include litigation for some Corporate/Commercial clients he was advising on business matters. To this day he maintains both an active barrister’s and solicitor’s practice.
With the arrival of natural gas in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, in 1999, he was called upon to represent participants in the nascent energy sector both in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia as the energy regulator in both Provinces set the rules, policies and initial pricing principals which were to govern the natural gas marketplace. As a result his practice grew to include major industrial users, a mining company, pipeline companies, gas distributors, gas marketeers, a natural gas producer as well as several electric utilities. On behalf of his energy and natural resource clients, he has appeared before all levels of Courts including the Supreme Court of Canada, as well as before the provincial regulator in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia and the National Energy Regulator.
During his career he has maintained a strong commitment to public service as well as to the profession. He served the United Way/Saint John in various capacities, as Chair of Allocations, as a Director, member of the Executive, as President and Chair of the Board of Governors. Following this he was appointed to the United Way/Centraide Canada Board where he served on the Executive and as Chair of the Audit Committee. In addition to the United Way he has served as Director of; Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, Family Services Saint John, Saint John Board of Trade, Business Community Anti-Poverty Initiative, Saint John Port Corporation as Board member and Chair, Saint John Development Corporation and Enterprise Saint John.
As part of his service to the profession he has served as Member of Council for the Canadian Bar Association/New Brunswick Branch and on committees for the Canadian Bar Association/National. Regarding the Law Society of New Brunswick, he served a ten year term with C.L.E. including his time as Chair, Additionally he served on several standing committees as well as chairing several ad hoc committees. During this time he was actively involved as a Council Member and Executive Member culminating with serving as President of the Law Society. He was awarded the designation QC in 1997 in recognition of his contributions.
Peter and his wife, Martha have five children and are awaiting the birth of their thirteenth grandchild.
King's Counsel
- 1997
Bar Admission
- Nova Scotia (1981)
- New Brunswick (1982)
Law School
- Dalhousie University
- Dalhousie University (B.Sc.)
- Dalhousie University (M.B.A.)
- Dalhousie University (LL.B)
Professional Activities & Affiliations
- Member – Law Society of New Brunswick, Federation of Law Society Task Force on Multi-Disciplinary Practice
- Member – CLE Foundation
- Executive (Treasurer, Vice-President and President) – Law Society of New Brunswick
Community & Volunteer Activities
- Saint John Development Corporation
- Saint John Board of Trade
- Family Services of Saint John
- United Way
- Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada
- Romero House
- The Saint John Business Anti-Poverty Initiative
- Lancaster Minor Basketball Association
Law Society Memberships
- Saint John Law Society
- Law Society of New Brunswick
- Canadian Bar Association
- English